Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Random Thoughts

How’u feel’n... How often are we ask this simple question? Probably more often as we age. There are a couple of routes I like to go with this one. One is to tell the asker all my aches and pains if I really want to be ornery. At which time if you watch close there may be a rolling of their eyes or several glances at their watch as if to say, “why did I even ask” … Great fun. The other is to simply say “I feel more like I do now, than I did awhile ago”. This also may have them shaking their heads, but it is an up to the minute answer. … Think about it

Monday, April 26, 2010

I came across this old wheel on one of my morning walks. It sits in a field a short distance from my home. If this old wheel were able to talk I wonder what stories it would tell. Was it used in the early settlement of Oklahoma? Did it roll down dusty roads on the way to the nearest town to get supplies? Did it do its part to carry a family to church or other community gatherings? The metal spokes would seem to indicate it was made to carry heavy loads and last a long time.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Random Thoughts

Cereal Stage... There are several stages to ones lifetime. We all go thru them. Some are enjoyable (when children are small) and some are endured (when children are teenagers). I have reached the cereal stage or what I call the RICE CRISPY era. Most every time I get up from a chair, sofa or any other device that I must rise from I hear Snap, Crackle and Pop.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Crawdad hole… When I was a kid growing up in Oklahoma my cousins and I use to spend countless hours at a pool of water such as in the above photo. We would get a piece of string and some bacon fat from our mothers or from Grandma (Grandmas always have what kids need). Then it was off to the crawdad hole for a day of crawdad fish’n. We would sit by that hole of muddy water just waiting for a tug on the string that signaled a crawdad was try to steal the bacon fat. A quick jerk of the line and you might end up with an unhappy crawdad ready to do battle. Now if you happen to pull out one that had red claws you had to be extra careful, because these were known as red pinchers and they were a fierce lot to deal with. After a day of crawdad fish`n we would have several in the bucket to tote home. Our moms were never very impressed, but Grandma always told us was a fine day’s catch we had, although I can never remember using the crawdads for anything. After a few days in the bucket the crawdads would begin to have a terrible odor and we would be forced to get rid of our prize catch. But before long we were ready to go try our luck again. … What good times we had!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Random Thoughts

Murphy’s’ Law... Have you noticed that Murphy’s Law (that which can go wrong will go wrong) will always be applied at the most in-opportune time? … Is there an opportune time? My case in point is, the other morning Miss Sophie and I were out for our morning walk with no threat of rain per the weather wizards. We had just reached our turning back point, approximately ½ mile from home, when sure enough it starts to rain. Could it have started as we stepped off the front porch? Yes! Did it? No! (Murphy’s Law being applied) So here we are about ½ mile from home, the rain is steady and Miss Sophie is not the fastest of walkers, which could be due to her 5 inch legs, but you would think she would also want to stay dry. Not so, not so. I believe if we had walked any slower we would have been backing up. When we finally arrived home Miss Sophie got wrapped in a warm towel and dried. As you may have guessed, there was NO warm towel waiting for me.

Friday, April 16, 2010

In my neck of the woods when the Wild Dogwood trees start to bloom its time to go Crappie (pronounced Crop-e) fish`n. So dusts off your lite weight tackle, tie a small jig or spinner bait onto your line and I’ll be by in a bit. Let’s go catch a mess.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The sun, the pond and Redbuds in bloom. What a combination for a photo opportunity.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Random Thoughts

Perspective... A couple of days ago I was involved in a minor mishap while working on a yard project. I was laying brick for a new flower bed and accidentally SMASHED my thumb with the rubber mallet I was using to set the brick. I was telling Mema how it all came about and that I had thought about using my steel head hammer, but decided it would most likely break the brick. She explained to me how “fortunate” I was concerning my SMASHED thumb. If I had used the steel hammer it would probably have split my thumb open. Now I know there is logic to her thinking, but with my SMASHED thumb throbbing with each heart beat, it was somewhat hard to comprehend logic at the time. Soon the SMASHED thumb, which is being housed inside my normal thumb, will vanish and all will return to normal. But until that comes about, I will continue to have difficulty putting my good fortune into perspective.

Friday, April 9, 2010


The colorful Redbud tree abounds in the State of Oklahoma. So much so that it has been designated the State Tree of Oklahoma. This time of year the woods are vibrant with its bright flowering blooms soon to be replaced with deep green heart shaped leaves. Should you ever desire to retrieve one from the woods for your yard, be aware that they have a root system almost as deep as the tree is tall. I speak from experience. My advise is to think small, it will grow.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


What the heck is this you ask? Well, it’s a photo of the inside of a Tulip in our yard. I thought it would be fun to do some editing on the colors. Adjusted the saturation of colors, lighter or darker and tone, warmer or cooler. The specks you see are bits of pollen. When you play around with a photo you may get a result that really pleases you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Random Thoughts

Coffee Mug .. A lot of folks are like me and enjoy a hot cup of coffee in the morning. Recently Mema stated she thought it was time for me to get a new coffee mug. I use the same plastic mug everyday that I purchased at a Circle K several years ago. As anyone who is a connoisseur of the finer things in life knows, it takes a good deal of time to season a coffee mug. Now there are things you can do that will keep your coffee mug in service for a long time. At the top of the list is .. Never, never wash the mug with soap and water. A simple quick rinse is sufficient. You need that layer of dark stain buildup inside the mug so that the flavor of the coffee is not compromised. Should I stop by sometime with coffee mug in hand don’t be shocked by the looks of it, because its just starting to get broke in. I shall continue to resist her unreasonable demand to replace my mug.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bradford Pear

This incredible specimen of Mother Natures’ handy work is a Bradford Pear tree. Though it bares no fruit, the tree more than makes up for it with a dazzling white blossom display in the Spring and a myriad of vibrant multi-colored leaves in the Fall. This beauty is just down the road from our home.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter on this most Special Day

Mema & Xworkerb

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Random Thoughts

Why, oh why, do I do it … Folks, last evening Mema and I ate some of the best fried catfish I have ever eaten. The place is called Bandanna Red’s (cool name) and they serve an all you can eat fried catfish dinner Friday evenings. The first serving is more than enough, but being from the old school and it’s all you can eat (I like to get my monies worth), I had to have a second serving. .. Mistake, Mistake, Mistake .. Self inflected discomfort .. As soon as we arrived home it was into the comfy stretch pants ASAP. Never again will I over indulge (I may have said that before). Well, at least not until we go back to Bandanna Red’s.

Friday, April 2, 2010


This photo is one of my favorites. I took this photo while on a day trip with several friends. The day was cool and overcast with the Sun doing its best to shine thru. We were visiting the Sacred Heart Parish in Konawa, Oklahoma. The Parish had its beginning in 1877 and is considered the Birthplace of the Catholic Church in what is now the State of Oklahoma. This Cross is located in one of the two cemeteries on the old Mission grounds.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Country Lane

If you enjoy getting outside, there is nothing much more enjoyable than an early morning walk down a country lane. The warm sun, sunshine filtering thru trees creating shadows of various shapes and not knowing what you might encounter just around the bend can create a special time and memory. There are a lot of simple pleasures in the great outdoors.
Now turn off your PC, get off your butt and get out there.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Random Thoughts

Mema and I went to a furniture store recently to purchase a chair. The sales person pointed to a chair and said “there is a lovely occasional chair”. My response was “if it’s only occasionally a chair, what is it the rest of the time. I want a chair that’s a chair all the time” … You got to pay close attention to sales people. They will try to sell you anything, even occasional tables.


Monday, March 29, 2010


A beautiful sunrise, a good cup of coffee and time to enjoy both. Now this is the way to start a day.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Random Thoughts


Wanted … Spring weekend with mild temperatures, gentle breezes and sunny skies. Applicant should apply too the State of Oklahoma. Benefits include wide open spaces in which to apply your craft, grateful population and an extended contract if you fulfill your duties in a satisfactory manner. Those weekends that can not meet the above criteria need not apply.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Words of Wisdom

"The most important things in life aren't things."

Author Unknown

Friday, March 26, 2010

Random Thoughts


As I have gotten older I have become afflicted with “WDICIHF” syndrome. This malaise is common to folks my age. We leave room "A" headed to room "B" and when we get to room "B" the “What Did I Come In Here For” syndrome sets in. Try as we may we can’t recall what we were after. But, just as soon as you leave the room it will come to you and back you go to retrieve the item. All this walking back and forth is good exercise, but this syndrome is very frustrating. I have a theory as to what causes this. We seniors have so much knowledge and wisdom stored in our memory that at times there is no room for any thing else, thus we don’t remember what we were going after. Therefore, try to impart some of your knowledge and wisdom to others so than there will be room available in your memory. That’s my theory and I’m sticking too it

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Neither rain, snow or the gloom of night will keep these hearty flowers form making their appearance. After several months of slumber the Crocus have come out of hibernation. They add much needed color to our shade garden this time of year.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Random Thoughts


The remote channel changer for the TV is one nifty piece of electronic wizardry. You can change programs, control volume and several other functions of the television with the touch of a button. It also must have a large memory bank because when I try to watch TV with Mema she is continually changing channels. When I ask why are you “flip’n” between channels her response is that she is keeping up with several shows. Now I have known this woman for a very very long time, been married to her for 50+ years and know she has to make herself a list if there are more than 2 items needed from the grocery store. Therefore it stands to reason that the remote is able to remember what is happening in each program she flips between and downloads this information into her. What will they come up with next?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


No, your eyes aren’t going bad, nor is your PC screen out of focus. This is a reflection of the trees around our pond. There was a gentle breeze rippling across the surface and the sun was actually shinning for a change when I took this photo

Monday, March 22, 2010

Random Thoughts

The Weekend

Man, oh’ man what a bummer of a weekend. The weather was the absolute pits, cold and snowy. My NCAA bracket picks were shredded and the loonies in DC passed Obama Care. But today is going to be better. The Sun is shinning, I have already picked my “new” favorite to win the Men’s NCAA tournament, “Go Kentucky”, and there is an election in Nov. 2010 that I hope will return some sense of physical responsibility to Congress.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Random Thoughts

Hoops Oops!

Tell me it ain’t so. The mighty have fallen. Last night the #1 Kansas Jayhawks were stunned by #9 Northern Iowa 69-67. My NCAA basketball bracket is in shambles. Is this the year for a Cinderella team to make a run toward the Final 4 and perhaps be crowned the National Champions? I know it would make for great TV, but in my opinion they would not be the best team in the country.
I am not alone in being surprised by the upset, as POTUS also had Kansas picked to win it all … and he is never wrong … is he?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

First Day of Spring

Yep, it's the first day of Spring.
What's that a photo of you ask? Well, its the snow melting as it hits and slides down the window in our den. The weather wizards are predicting 4-9 inches of the darn stuff. Yesterday in Oklahoma we had temperatures into the 70's. Seems we can get all 4 seasons in a 24 hour period.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Random Thoughts


As many of you are aware "Lent" has begun. Many years ago when I was a Freshman in High School I dated a girl who was Catholic. One day she told me that during Lent she was going to give up "something" she liked very much. I thought this was a nice gesture on her part until I was told "that something" was me. For several weeks we had little contact except at school. There are two thoughts that come to mind as I look back over the years at this event. One, she really did like me and it was a sacrifice, or two, I was the easiest to do without.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Morning Haze

After several days of cold gray skies, we awoke to a morning haze being slowly but surely burned off by the sun. Blue skies, bright sun and warm temperatures’ are in store for us today and tomorrow. We need to get out and enjoy, because Saturday the weather wizards are predicting “Snow”.
Sophie and I were getting ready to take our morning walk when I snapped this photo from our deck.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Random Thoughts


Faith and Begora, its St. Patrick’s Day. Today we can all be a wee bit Irish, dress in green attire, dye our hair green or any other green activity that comes to mind and be seen as normal. There is Green Beer, Green Eggs & Ham, Irish Stew and Corn Beef & Cabbage to be eaten .. yum, yum. If you should see a rainbow today and are Irish, perhaps a pot of gold awaits you at its end. .. let me know if this happens as I think I’m entitled to a share of the gold for putting you on the trail
May the luck of the Irish be with you

O' Xworkerb

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stars & Stripes

"Old Glory ... Still Glorious"

Enough Said

Monday, March 15, 2010

Random Thoughts

Let the Sun go down

Several years ago my brother-in-law, Joe, and I were going to company training in St Louis Mo. After class one evening we decided to stop at a local golf course and play 9 holes. We went into the pro shop to pay our fees and the young lady behind the counter told us that we might not finish before dark and ask if we still wanted to play. Joe replied that, "Yes, we want to go ahead and play". Her next response was, “Well, if the Sun goes down, it’s your fault”. My point is, the next time you have an event halted due to the Sun going down, you now know who is responsible, "Joe”. Just get in-touch with me and I’ll give you his number and you can express your displeasure at his lack of daylight management.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Random Thoughts


Have you ever thought about “TIME”? We only have so much of it, yet sometimes we just let it drift away. When you were a youngster it seemed to take forever for special occasions to roll around. But as we get older Time appears to speed up, although we still have 24 hours in a day. Time is the one aspect of our lives that we can’t recover. Once it's gone, it's gone. So when someone takes the Time to give you call, a helping hand or just stops and visits for a while, remember they are sharing something with you that they can never get back.

Thank you for the "Time" you took to visit our Blog

Saturday, March 13, 2010

First Sign

(Tooth of the Lion)
So called from the jagged leaves

While I was out back yesterday afternoon hitting a few golf balls trying to elevate my golf game to “Hacker” status I noticed the “first signs of Spring”. Yep, the lowly Dandelion is starting to make an appearance. Now I know we all want to rid our yards of this pesky weed, but you will have to admit they do produce a very colorful flower and are a harbinger of Spring. Once the Dandelion appears, Spring can’t be far off.

Since I have now taken a couple of photos of the Dandelion and am convinced that Spring is just around the corner, it’s time to give these “WEEDS” a good dose of “Roundup”. … Will continue to work on getting to the Hacker status.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Storms

Spring time can produce some very violent storms. One morning in the Spring of 2008 we had strong thunder storms roll thru our area. I was sitting at my computer and heard a tremendous explosion at the rear of the house. I glanced out the window in time to see a small cloud of white smoke drift by. At the same time as the explosion I also heard Mema scream. She and Sophie, our pup, were standing in the den when lighting hit a tree in our backyard about15 feet from the house. Mema screamed because she had been shocked by the lighting strike. Thankfully she was not hurt by the shock, but I must say, since then she has had a certain “glow” about her and a very "magnetic" personality.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

China Bucket

This Wooden Water Bucket is one of my favorite yard ornaments. It is well traveled and has some history associated with it. We purchased the bucket from a local furniture store owned by a friend of our son-in-law. While shopping the store the sales person ask if we would like to see some interesting items that had just arrived from China. The items were from the area of the "China Three Gorge Dam” project. I had seen a National Geographic documentary on the project and was very interested to see the items. There were several pieces to look at, but the old wooden water bucket was the one that caught my eye.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Last Place You Look

When trying to find something lost, such as keys, cell phone, etc. … when found, it will always be the last place you looked. Of course if you find the item in the first place you look, it is still the last place you looked.
So, save some time and go to the last place first.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Words of Wisdom

"Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest"
Mark Twain

Could this be why when I do some things, folks walk away shaking their heads?

Fire & Rain

We have two "Mountain Fire" bushes in our backyard. In mid-fall they produce a small green flowers that soon become brilliant red berries that will cover the bush. The leaves also take on various shades of red and orange and create a spectacular addition to our yard. This photo was taken just after a Fall rain.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ramdon Thoughts

Post-Nasal Drip

Many in the Oklahoma area suffer from the pollen that the native Red Cedar tree sheds at this time of year. In the last few years, I too have become a victim of the pollen ailment. Your eyes water, itch or burn, the sneezing is violent and your nose can drip non-stop. Over the last few days I have thought my life was draining away one drip at a time thru my nose. How can a nose drip so much when it is stopped up due to congestion? … "Congestion" is not the word I really wanted to use but Mema is the Editor and I know she would not approve the other description, but you know the word … Recently Mema stopped at the door of my “Man” room, (the part of the house that contains all my toys) and ask what I was doing. I was just setting looking out the window and replied that I was concentrating on breathing.
Will close now because I'm out of tissue, but not Post-Nasal Drip.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

On Northups' Pond

This tranquil scene is across the road from our home. I have spent many peaceful evenings on this pond. Those who would see me out there in my small boat would come to the conclusion that I was fishing. They would be somewhat correct, but this is also a way to just relax. If you catch fish, great, if not, thats great too.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

It's all about Her

Sophie, our Shitzu, is the the absolute ruler around here. She knows when its time for us to get up, time to go to bed and all the other function that involves her happiness. When Sophie first became a member of the family she was just a puppy, and I began to think we were to old to be puppy parents. Cleaning up puppy poop, going out in the middle of the night and all the other things that are required. But as time has passed I know that we made a wonderful choice adding her to the family. There is not a day goes bye that she doesn't bring a smile to our faces and a hardy laugh. Mema is her very best friend and when she is out, Sophie will lay on the back of the couch and watch the door for her return. Upon Memas' return you would think that Sophie had not seen her for days, even though only a couple of hours have passed. I hope it never comes down to me or Sophie having to leave, because "I know" who is out of here. Please note ... I don't require much maintenance, so keep that in mind should I ever call you looking for a new home.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Random Thoughts

Washington Politics

Today I'm on my soapbox

I, as are so many others, am upset by the way our elected Representatives are going about the business of this country. They have for decades promised to make government smaller, more efficient and less intrusive into our lives. This problem is not confined to one political party. Both are guilty of telling the American voter what they want to hear at election time, but once elected into office they fall prey to the lure of power and greed. We have got to get back to a Government of the people, by the people and for the people. Can you imagine being able to "spend" your way out of debt. I know I could never do that in my own household. That is the road the present Administration and Congress is taking this country down. I truly believe it is way past time to institute "Term Limits" on those serving in Congress. The King James Version of John 8:32 reads ... "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free". Sadly, this verse when applied to Washington politics could read ... "Follow the money trail, find the truth and the truth will really piss you off".

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bitter Sweet

As a kid growing up in rural Oklahoma I encountered the the fruit of the wild Persimmon tree at a young age. My older cousin, Richard, convinced me to eat one of these fruits while it was still small, hard and green. Believing he would not ask me do anything that was not okay, I took a bite. The result, which still causes my mouth to pucker when I think about it, was the most bitter taste you can imagine. Of course when the fruit is ripe as in the above picture it is soft and sweet, though they do have a multitude of seeds. I have heard that the Persimmon fruit when ripe makes a wonderful pie. I do know that when the fruit is small, hard and green it also makes for great ammunition for a youngsters' slingshot.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Words of Wisdom

"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm"
Winston Churchill

As many of my friends know, I am an avid reader. When I finish one book I start another as soon as possible. A good friend loaned me a book last month written by an author I had not read before. The authors' name is Vince Flynn. The book title is
" Extreme Measures" and was published in 2008. It is a novel which reflects the terrorist threat that our country faces today and the mood in government as to how these terrorists should be treated. I must warn you though, this book hits the nail square on the head as to what is going on in our country and in our government. Once you start to read this novel you will not want to put it down.
Thanks Bill for introducing me to a great writer. I have already purchased another of his books. ... "Term Limits"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Big Wheels

This photo of the wheels on an old Steam Locomotive was taken at the El Reno Oklahoma Rock Island R.R. depot while the train was on display during one of its many stops. My dad, Cleve, worked for the Rock Island R.R. for 35 years and in the early part of his career the steam locomotives were still in use. I can remember as a small boy, going to pick up my father at the rail yard and seeing these giant smoke belching machines. I also work for the same railroad several years later for a brief period of time. Working on the railroad was very much a family tradition for a lot of people. This photo won 1st place in the miscellaneous division of the 2009 Oklahoma State Fair Digital Photography Show.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Moon Shots

The photo above was taken from my front yard last summer using my telescope and digital camera. The photo consists of 3 separate shots of the Moon which I have combined here to save space. ... no pun intended ... If you will click on the photo, which will enlarge it, you can see the craters better. The bright points you see are mountain tops reflecting light. Though I do not have the proper camera mount for my telescope, I made one from the cardboard tube of a used up paper towel roll. The quality is not as good as I would have liked, but after all, I was standing approx. 238,857 miles away.
To those friends who know I play golf, this is not photos of old golf balls. Although I do have some golf balls that are scraped and scarred such as the moon, this is the real deal.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy Birthday

Today is our daughters’ birthday. She is a wife, mother of two and co-owner of a specialty shop. She is one of the most creative people we know. She will scourer a thrift store for reusable items and turns them into objects of beauty. Her explanation is it’s a recycling process. Give her a can of spray paint, an old piece of discarded furniture or a pair of scissors and some old cloth and stand back. This gal is fix’n to get creative. As you can see by the above photo, she was ahead of her time in fashion … torn knees in jeans.

Mom and I are very proud of you and your family. We wish for you continued happiness.

Love you

Mom & Dad

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Words of Wisdom

" One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching. "
Author: Unknown

I'm going to try and make mine Wide Screen and High Definition

I'm Baaack

This morning with coffee cup in hand I looked out the back windows and there was the Red Shoulder Hawk back again. He or She is perched at the edge of our pond looking for a meal. A quick retrieval of my camera produced this photo.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Random Thoughts

Some of the most enlightening conversation you will ever have is when you just listen
Author: Me

The above "RANDOM THOUGHT" just found its way into my head for no good reason. But after thinking about it, I find it to be quite true. If you allow another to carry the conversation you will come away with one of two conclusions. He or she is extremely knowledgeable about the subject, or they don't have a clue.
Give it a try, but remember it could happen to you.

Winter Splendor

This stand of Red Cedar trees and the small pond are located about 75 feet from my front door. Though I have seen it daily for the past 37+ years, I am always amazed at the beauty a snowfall adds.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Words of Wisdom

"Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things "
George Carlin

If you were to follow the above advice, life would be a lot less stressful and your hands a lot cleaner.

Paul's Creek

Photo was taken yesterday near Prague Oklahoma on the farm of a close friend. Very large boulders that would weigh several ton are along and in the creek bed. Time and the elements have created a very beautiful and peaceful scene.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Words of Wisdom:

"If you never make a mistake, you must not be doing much"

This was posted in a telephone office in Guthrie Oklahoma several years ago by a co-worker of mine. It caused quite a stir and had to be taken down. I guess it hit to close to home for some people.

February Sunset in Oklahoma

There is nothing like a Oklahoma sunset. At times the sky appears to be on fire. Thanks to my son-in-law, Randy, for alerting me so I could take this photo.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Today has been spent on the PC in a learning mode . I am learning to use the features of Picnik. This is a online photo editing site to which my daughter and son-in- law gave me a subscription. As you can see by the photos I posted today there are a variety of options available ... too much fun.

I plan on posting several of my photos, so come back often and see what's new. If you would like to leave a comment ... good or bad ... please do. The good ones I'll pay attention ... the bad ????

To enlarge any photo just click on the photo.

Enjoy ... Xworkerb

Feathered Friends

One of the most often visitors to the feeders in our backyard are the Cardinals. We never tire of watching them and enjoying their brilliant color.

Evening Snow

This photo was taken just after the dust to dawn light above the flag came on. The red spot in the center of the photo is the golf flag on my practice golf green.

Red Shoulder Hawk

I photographed this Red Shoulder Hawk just as it took flight. Sophie, our pup, got a bit nosy and the Hawk decided to take it's meal of Bull Frog "TO GO".


The stand of cattails is located on the north end of our pond. I took this photo after we had a lite snowfall.


This pair of Bluebirds came visiting our backyard one morning in Jan.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Today is my 69th birthday and it has been a great day. Judy and I went to Seminole Oklahoma for a catfish dinner ... yum yum ... then back home for a relaxing evening. Our daughter and son-in-law came over for some Coke cake and surprised me with a subscription to Picnik which is a online photo editing site. It's going to be a lot of fun adding special effects to my photos, which I will be posting here on our blog.